Letter Evaluation

Evaluate the letters written to customers and clients to discover what's being done well, and what can be improved.


Evaluate The Letters Sent Out To Customers

In combination with Cxceed's Customer Feedback, the Letter Evaluation feature will automatically highlight the communications that need your attention.

This provides you with the ability to score past letters sent out to both customers and clients against pre-made forms and criteria, which will help you to improve the future letters you send.


Create Evaluation Forms

Create your own questions, or copy pre-made templates, to mark future letters against.

For example, "Was the letter formatted correctly?"


Assign Who Evaluates

Evaluations can be assigned to managers, supervisors, colleagues, or even the individual who wrote the letter.

Involving everyone in the process allows for continuous learning and development.



Whenever a letter is in need of evaluation, simply click and the evaluation form will appear alongside the email itself.

Users with the correct permissions can also assign others to evaluate the same letter.

Progress for individuals, teams, or departments is stored in the Report Hub which displays easy to read, printer friendly analysis so you don’t have to spend extra time figuring out what all the numbers mean!

Start Evaluating Your Employee's Letters Today!

When you sign up to Cxceed, you get access to letter evaluation, as well as the ability to evaluate any other area of your business, such as phone calls and live chats!

To get started, simply click below, or book a 1-to-1 demo with one of our evaluation experts to see exactly how it all works.