Cxceed Quality Assurance Software is designed to improve the customer experience you deliver, by focusing on how your staff communicate with customers.Connecting your PBX, Mail-server and CRM, our Enterprise-level software automatically collects valuable information via Benchmark Surveys and Customer Feedback Requests.  Using the responses and AI, Cxceed selects communications for evaluation, forwarding a questionnaire to management and the employee who had the conversation.The result? Motivated staff who perform at a higher level, fantastic customer experiences, and increased customer loyalty, leading to improved growth rates and increased profits.

How Can You Use Cxceed?

Step 1: Benchmark

Send Benchmark Surveys to discover what customers think of your business. Identify where you are, and set a target score to aim towards.


Step 2: Pin-point

Establish your customer's opinion on individual conversations by automatically requesting Customer Feedback for individual calls, emails, texts, letters and web chats.Using this feedback and AI, our system highlights communications to analyse, automatically creating an evaluation form for them.


Step 3: Evaluate

These forms are forwarded to managers, other colleagues, or the employee who undertook the conversation to evaluate.This can then be taken into calibration sessions to ensure everyone understands what makes a fantastic or poor interaction.Once everybody understands what is expected, you can make improvements to achieve consistency throughout your organisation.

Improve and Repeat

The improvement cycle is never-ending! As small improvements continue to be made to your business, they'll add up to make significant differences to the service you provide.

Ready to Commit to a Better Business Today?

Discover how Cxceed can help improve your customer experience, and boost your profit.