Features To Make Your Life Easier:

At Cxceed, we offer a range of features to help you improve the customer service and experience you and your employees deliver.

You can read all about our different Customer Feedback, Evaluation, and Benchmark Survey features we can provide below.

Feedback Forms For:

website feedback


Use this feature to gain feedback on your webpages. Read More 
phone call feedback

Phone Calls

Use this feature to gain feedback on the phone calls you are having.Read More 
email feedback


Use this feature to gain feedback on your emails.Read More 
video call feedback

Video Calls

Use this feature to gain feedback on the video calls that you make.Read More 
social media feedback

Social Media

Use this feature to gain feedback for your social media interactions. Read More 
face to face feedback

Face-to-Face Interactions

Use this feature to gain feedback for face to face meetings, talks or presentations. Read More 
online chat feedback

Live Chat

Use this feature to gain feedback on the online chats you make. Read More 
letter feedback


Use this feature to gain feedback on letters you send to customers and clients.Read More 
demo feedback


Use this feature to gain feedback on the demos which you provide to current or potential customers.Read More 
sms feedback

SMS Messages

Use this feature to gain feedback on the SMS messages you send out.Read More 

Evaluation Tools For:

Phone Calls

Evaluate any phone call your staff have with customers that's automatically highlighted for your attention.Read More 


Evaluate the employee-to-customer emails that require attention.Read More 

Video Calls

Review and evaluate and give feedback on the video calls your staff have with customers.Read More 

Social Media

Evaluate social media content posted by your team to ensure your brand and image stays consistent.Read More 

Live Chat

Evaluate any online chat employees have with your customers.Read More 


Use this feature to evaluate and give feedback on the letters being sent to customers and clients.Read More 


Review and evaluate any demo given to current or potential customers.Read More 

SMS Messages

Evaluate manual and automatic SMS messages sent out.Read More 

Benchmark Survey Tool:

benchmark surveys

Benchmark Surveys

Knowing where you currently stand will help you make the decisions that matter most on your journey to success. To put it simply, if you want to find out where you need to go, you need to know where you’re starting from! Using Benchmark Surveys will help you to understand the overall opinion of your business from your customer’s point of view.Read More 

Improve Your Business Today

Book a demo to see how Cxceed can help you improve your customer experience.


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